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Such actions have positive and mutual benefits in improving relations between organisations and are not undertaken with the direct aim of procuring services or gaining influence. The Financial Regulations state that the frequency and scale of hospitality accepted should not be significantly greater than the University would be likely to provide in return. This policy is intended to offer guidelines for what the University considers reasonable and in keeping with its policy and to outline a procedure for enabling staff to keep within appropriate boundaries. A Register of Gifts and Hospitality will be kept by the University Secretary and Registrar. Receipt of Gifts and Hospitality The University allows staff to accept occasional small gifts/hospitality from external organisations provided the following guidelines are followed: Small gifts or hospitality, with a value of under 25, may be accepted at any time by staff. Gifts or hospitality worth between 25 and 100 may be accepted but must be notified to the University Secretary and Registrar for inclusion on the Register of Gifts and Hospitality. Gifts or hospitality worth over 100 may only be accepted with the express agreement of the Vice-Chancellor and must be reported for inclusion on the Register. Where the Vice-Chancellor wishes to receive gifts or hospitality worth over 100, the approval of the Vice Chair of Governors should be obtained. Giving of Gifts The University has developed an appropriate range of corporate gifts which can be used for such purposes as marketing, thank you gifts for hospitality overseas etc. Occasionally the University may wish to offer a special gift to individuals in recognition of significant service to the institution. All gifts require the agreement of the appropriate Budget Holder and gifts over 50 require approval from the Vice-Chancellor and will need to be recorded on the Gifts and Hospitality Register kept by the University Secretary and Registrar. The agreement of the Vice Chair of Council must be obtained for gifts over 50 given by the Vice-Chancellor. Giving of Hospitality The University receives a wide range of visitors eg external examiners, council members, colleagues from other institutions. Staff may arrange lunch for such visitors with the agreement of the Budget Holder. Visitors who need to stay overnight will normally be accommodated in a reasonably-priced but comfortable local hotel. Staff who need to entertain guests to evening dinner must obtain prior approval of a member of the University Leadership Team or a Dean of Faculty and should report the details to the University Secretary and Registrar for recording in the Gifts and Hospitality Register. The Gifts and Hospitality Register For gifts or hospitality received, the Register will record the following information: Nature of the gift or hospitality Approximate value From whom offered To whom offered Whether gift was accepted What was done with accepted gift or hospitality For gifts or hospitality given, the Register will record: Nature of gift or hospitality To whom offered From whom Date given The Register will be reviewed by the University Operations Team on an annual basis and the University Secretary and Registrar will bring any issues of immediate concern to the attention of the Vice-Chancellor or the Vice Chair of Council. 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